Project structure

After you run the Positron installation script, (hopefully) you'll find some files and directories in your project folder.

This is a virtual environment that contains all the necessary dependencies for your application. You can activate it by running source env/bin/activate on Unix-like systems or env\Scripts\activate on Windows.
This is where you can put your icons in different sizes to be used as the Flatpak application icon.
This one is a Firefox profile, configured to make your application look like a desktop application. You can customize it using CSS as you wish.
Quart serves static files from this folder. You can put everything here, even your Python scripts if that makes sense for you.
This is where you can put your HTML templates. Jinja2 is used to render them, so you can use all its features.
This is where the wheel package is stored after running the build script. It is used to create the Flatpak application for the correct Python version.
This is the main Python script that the web server runs. You can put your main logic and routes here.
This Dockerfile gathers necessary dependencies with the correct Python version that is supported by the org.freedesktop.Platform runtime on Flatpak. It builds a wheel package and creates an archive that can be used in the build process.
This is the manifest file that Flatpak-builder uses to build the application. You can customize it as you wish.
This is the desktop file that Flatpak uses to create the application shortcut. You can customize it as you wish.
This is the script that Flatpak uses to run the application. You can customize it as you wish.
This is where you can put your Python dependencies. The installation script will install them for you.